Comments on: Episode 13 – Everything in Moderation? A discussion of how digital media and technology are affecting learning, teaching, and scholarship at colleges, universities, libraries, and museums. Wed, 03 Oct 2007 14:19:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dave Wed, 03 Oct 2007 14:19:28 +0000 Your comments about the New York Times opening up their content, particularly their archives, reminded me of Chris Anderson’s long tail idea. I would imagine that most of the content in the NYT archive would be accessed only sporadically. However, there’s so much of it that even if every story in their archive only gets a few hits a year, those hits add up to a ton of traffic–not as much traffic as the last two weeks of news items receives, but a good amount nonetheless.

Why not open up that content and use that traffic to generate more ad revenue? This would likely be more profitable than charging a relative handful of people directly to access this content, assuming the long tail theory applies to this context.

By: Sept. 24th CLIO Wired Musings on Assignment « Susanld’s Weblog Mon, 24 Sep 2007 04:12:28 +0000 […] CHNM Digital Campus was the other, Episode 13 – Everything in Moderation? in which Mills Kelly, Dan Cohen and Tom Scheinfedlt talked about email discussion lists and the […]

By: Fabian Prieto Sat, 22 Sep 2007 06:42:58 +0000 I think the main subject is communication. I have been into h-latam and, as you said in the blog, it was a killer app. Someday I tried to create some kind of community around my country studies but i failed. But what i want to point is that some social networking sites are allowing to create communities where information can be shared. I’m taking about group making in facebook. Not only people enters a group more easily, but also you can send specific types of information (events for example). I think h-net has left some important examples of information concerning academic interests but it is true that e-mail must be remediated.
